How to Descale a Breville Coffee Maker

If you’re a coffee lover, then you know that a fresh, hot cup of java is the best way to start your day.

And if you’re a barista, then you know that the key to a great cup of coffee is a well-maintained coffee maker.

If your Breville coffee maker seems to be taking forever to brew a pot of coffee, or worse yet, if it’s not brewing at all, it might be time for a descale.

In this blog post, we’ll show you how to descale your Breville coffee maker in just four easy steps.

So get out your cleaning supplies and let’s get started!

first coffee

Yes, that’s right. Make a coffee before you start descaling.

How to Descale a Breville Coffee Maker: Step-by-step Guide

As water passes through your machine and is heated up, calcium and magnesium deposits are left behind. This can block the water channel and prevent the ground coffee from getting enough hot water. Water that flows in trickles can’t produce a great-tasting brew. This is why descaling or removing those hardened mineral deposits is important.

Here’s how to do it.

Option 1: Use a Descaling Solution

The easiest and most effective way to descale your Breville coffee maker is to use a descaling solution prepared by a reputable company.

While some coffee maker manufacturers have specially prepared this solution for their products, the market also abounds with universal descaling solutions that have been prepared for coffee makers by most of the major brands. The descaling solution option is for those who want to descale their coffee maker without hassles and get excellent results.


Option 2: Water and white vinegar

Disconnect your appliance from the power source and open the water reservoir. Pour white vinegar into the device until it is halfway full. Use water to fill up the rest of the space in the reservoir. That should make for a strong cleaning solution that is half water and half white vinegar.

Let the mix sit in the machine for about an hour. The aim is to soften and disintegrate all the mineral deposits that have piled up over time. Turn on the machine and brew with the liquid the way you normally would with coffee. You can also use the Strength button instead of brewing. Just push and hold it for 5 seconds. The machine will indicate that it is now descaling. Let it run until all the solution has been emptied into the carafe.

You may want to put another batch of white vinegar and water in the same way that the first batch was done. Doing it a second time will ensure that your machine is squeaky clean. When all the liquid is out of the device, it’s time to rinse.

Pour fresh water into the reservoir. Push the Strength button and hold it for 5 seconds like before. As the water runs through the device, it will take away the smell and taste of vinegar.

You may need to rinse two or three times to get all the white vinegar out. Even though white vinegar is a popular choice, there are other alternatives. One of them is citric acid.

Option 3: Citric acid

Although it is not as powerful as white vinegar, citric acid is a good choice because it has a pleasant fragrance and won’t leave a nasty taste in your coffee. To use citric acid, dissolve a tablespoonful of citric acid pellets into one gallon of water. Pour that water into your coffee maker’s reservoir and let it sit for an hour.

Push the Strength button on your appliance and hold it for 5 seconds. The device should begin the descaling process. Let it continue until all the mix in the appliance is in the carafe. Then it’s time to repeat this same process with the citric acid pellets and water several times.

Citric acid is not as strong as white vinegar is, so you will need to descale many more times to get the results you want. At the end of it, you should rinse with water and run the same cycle. You won’t have to rinse it so many times because when compared to white vinegar, citric acid is easy on the nostrils and taste buds. Still, there is another option.

Option 4: Baking soda

Baking soda is a great cleaning agent but a not-so-great descaling agent. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use it though. It has enough cleaning power to remove mineral buildup.

To begin, mix a teaspoonful of baking soda into one liter of warm water. Coldwater wouldn’t serve here because the powder requires warm water to properly dissolve. Next, put that mixture into your machine’s water tank and wait for one hour. Thereafter, push the Strength button and hold it for 5 seconds. The device should start the descaling process. Remember to repeat this procedure many times to get all the mineral residue out of the appliance.

When it comes to rinsing, this can be done once or twice. Baking soda has no strong scent or pungent taste that can be left behind. So, you can put your mind to rest.

Option 5: Lemon juice

If you love lemonade or anything like it, you’ll probably love this cleaning option. Lemon is very acidic but also has a great fragrance that’ll brighten anyone’s day. How’s that for a cleaning agent?

To use it, mix one-part lemon juice with two parts water. Put the solution inside your coffee maker’s water tank and wait for one hour.

Next, push the Strength button and hold it down for 5 seconds. Your coffee maker should begin descaling. Immediately the cycle is completed and the tank is empty, repeat the process once or twice.

The next step is to rinse with water a few times unless you like the taste of coffee and lemon juice.

After descaling, it is a good idea to wash the permanent filter with soap and water and also clean the surface of the coffee maker with a clean, damp cloth. Cleaning your coffee machine takes time and effort, all of which is well worth it.

In the end, it’s good to know that there is a lot you can do to rid your coffee maker of mineral residue. You and your loved ones don’t have to put up with drinking coffee that is not enjoyable.

Having said that, there is one thing you can do to greatly reduce your problems with mineral buildup. It is using only spring water or bottled water when making coffee. These two water sources hardly leave hardened mineral deposits in your machine. When you count the cost of using hard tap water, you may see that it is not worth it in the long run.

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